She enjoyed line dancing and worked hard, the relative said. Kim, a grandmother, was married for more than 50 years, a family member told the Times. Her family could not be reached for comment.

If you stopped by her house, she’d sit you down, ask if you’d eaten, and then insist on a trip to H Mart grocery store so she could make a meal. (Working on the Big trait.) Please inbox me any bugs or. If this type of thing bothers you, please carry on with your day. This trait is based off of dd/lg & dd/lb blogs. Yue’s youngest child, Robert Peterson, 38, agreed, recalling their mother as a kind and deeply caring woman. tumblr: pastel-sims (I couldn’t find it anymore, so i’m not sure where to link to lol) Little Trait Found under ‘lifestyle.’.

I did model the side-hair and drills myself, so a lot of effort was put into this. It’s the hairstyle of Kokona Haruka from Yandere Simulator remade to be maxis-match. A licensed massage therapist, she was laid off at the start of the pandemic last year and was excited to finally start shifts at the spa again, her son Elliott Peterson, 42, told The Atlanta Journal-Constitution on Friday morning. Here’s the hair that I mentioned to that one curious anon.