Fixed the bug that stopped the player from blinking when holding a paper.The distance of the camera fog now changes depending on the amount of light.Some improvements to the map generation algorithm.New voice acting for Security Chief Franklin during the intro sequence ( DukeLovesYou).

Fixed the collision problems with SCP-173's containment doors (such as falling through the floor when near the doors or getting stuck inside them).Fixed the bug that occasionally stops the door from opening in the first room.Added the option to select the graphics and audio device in the launcher.The header used for the original Wordpress account. Regalis has stated that he does not have any of these indev versions anymore. All of these videos contain many differences from the released versions of the game. Prior to the release of v0.1 of SCP - Containment Breach, Regalis had been releasing various screenshots and demonstration videos of the game, showing off different aspects of it that he was working on.