If you just want an icon (and no text on the button), select Change Button Image and choose the ‘back’ arrow (or any other), then select Default Style from the Modify Selection list of options.You can change the name by altering the text in the Name field (the & indicates the letter for the shortcut access key).To change the name of the button and/or add an icon to it, click Modify Selection on the Customize window:.The button is named Previous Edit by default. Click and drag the GoBack command where you want it to go on the toolbar.In the Commands list on the right, select GoBack.In the Categories list on the left, select All Commands.From the menu, select Tools > Customize to open the Customize window.where you were after scrolling), you can add a ‘Back’ button to the toolbar (Word 2003) or to the Quick Access Toolbar (QAT) in Word 2007. If you have a long Word document and need to regularly go back to where you made your last edit (e.g.