Sandra Orlow Nude Fuck
Sandra Orlow Nude Fuck

I went to the gym sometimes but ate whatever I wanted.This is an archived article and the information in the article may be outdated.

Sandra Orlow Nude Fuck

I didn't care so much at first because I was focused on school. That's when the clients and foreign agencies started saying that I needed to get in better shape. A few years later, I got the curves - not much, but I got them, because that's the female body. I didn't have boobs, I didn't have curves.

Sandra Orlow Nude Fuck

What prompted you to make the video in the first place? I was first scouted when I was 15. When I woke up the next day, it had 100,000 views. I posted it to YouTube and hoped for the best. I did the English one because I thought maybe the whole world would feel the same way as people did in Scandinavia. Older people thought I was a young girl who stood up for herself. Mothers were telling me I was an inspiration for their daughters. The response in Sweden and Denmark and Norway was very positive. When I woke up the next day, I had hundreds of new messages and every Swedish newspaper was calling me nonstop for an interview. When I first posted the Swedish version, I thought I would get a like from my parents or friends. What has the response been like for you since you posted your videos? I didn't expect it, but it's crazy.

Sandra Orlow Nude Fuck

She spoke to about the response she's gotten and what's next for her. Speaking into a full-length mirror and wearing only underwear to show off her slender frame, Agnes - who weighs 123 pounds, is 5 feet 9 inches tall, and loves eating pizza and Nutella - demonstrated how warped the body standards for models can be. So Agnes made another version of the video in English, called "Too Big for the Industry," and it also went viral. Since it got posted last week, it has been viewed over 3 million times. She posted the video, which she made in Swedish, to her personal Facebook page, and it went viral in Scandinavia immediately. She didn't know exactly what the video would be about, but she found herself suddenly having a lot to say about the impossible body standards in the fashion industry.

Sandra Orlow Nude Fuck

Last week, 19-year-old Swedish model Agnes Hedengård sat down to make a video.

Sandra Orlow Nude Fuck